How To Make A Wooden Recurve Bow?

Are you searching for a thrilling new pastime that combines the art of woodworking with the skill of archery? Crafting your own wooden recurve bow is a gratifying and challenging endeavor that will have you feeling like a true artisan.

With the right tools and materials, anyone can create their very own functional bow. Let’s take a sneak peek at the process:

  • First things first, select a suitable piece of wood – hickory or yew are popular choices.
  • Use a sharp draw knife to shape the bow stave into a rough outline of your desired design.
  • Then, employ a rasp to smooth out any bumps or imperfections.
  • With careful precision and heat, bend the ends of the bow stave into the iconic recurve shape.
  • Once shaped, use sandpaper to achieve a sleek finish.
  • Finally, add string grooves and attach the bowstring using traditional techniques.

With patience and an eye for detail, you’ll soon have your very own handcrafted wooden recurve bow. Not only will it serve its purpose in archery, but it will also be a stunning piece of art to showcase.

So, let’s start.

What do you need for a recurve bow?

To construct a wooden recurve bow from scratch, you will require the following essential materials and equipment:

  • Timber: Maple, lemonwood, hickory, black locust, or yew are the ideal woods to utilize when crafting a recurve bow. These woods are recognized for their robustness and pliability, crucial for a functioning bow.
  • Bowstring: A durable and resilient bowstring is necessary to withstand the strain and force of the bow. Parachute cord or nylon bowstring are commonly used, but any thick and sturdy string will suffice.
  • Wooden board: A 2×4 feet wooden board is required as the base for shaping the bow’s limbs.
  • Wood laminate: This is used to reinforce the bow’s limbs and prevent them from snapping under pressure.
  • Bow stave: A pre-cut stave can be purchased or you can cut down your own tree. The wood used for the stave should match the wood used for the rest of the bow.
  • Finishing product: To safeguard and preserve the wood, a finish such as wax or oil is necessary.
  • Tools: Various tools are needed for shaping and stringing the bow, including a drawknife, files, clamps, and a tillering stick.
  • Protective gear: When working with wood and felling trees, it is vital to wear protective gear such as gloves, safety glasses, and earplugs.

Alternatively, you can purchase a kit that includes all the necessary materials to get started. Large hardware stores such as Home Depot or Lowes have most of these materials available.

It is also crucial to consider factors like draw length and draw weight when creating a recurve bow. These can be calculated by measuring your wingspan and following specific calculations. Moreover, the thickness of the bow’s limbs will impact the draw weight.

Constructing a wooden recurve bow requires patience, precision, and appropriate materials and equipment.

Tools Needed

To craft a wooden recurve bow, specific tools are essential for shaping and refining the bow’s limbs. These tools can be easily obtained at local hardware stores or woodworking shops.

Below is a list of necessary tools needed to create a wooden recurve bow:

Hatchet A hatchet is used to split the stave into quarters and shape the bow’s limbs.
Draw Knife A draw knife is used for rough shaping and smoothing out the limbs of the bow.
Vice Grip A vice grip is used to hold the stave in place while shaping and refining.
Bow Shaping Frame A bow shaping frame is used to secure the stave while chasing the ring and shaping the bow’s handle.
Tillering Stick A tillering stick is used to measure the bow’s draw weight and make necessary adjustments.
Large File A large file is used for shaping the handle and smoothing out any imperfections on the limbs of the bow.
Heat Gun A heat gun is used to help straighten any warped wood on the stave.
Screw Clamps Screw clamps are used to secure wood laminates to the limbs for added reinforcement.
Regular Knife A regular knife is used for precise shaping and smoothing of the handle and limbs.
Files and Sandpaper These tools are used for final smoothing and adding finishing touches to the bow.
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Materials Needed

To successfully craft a wooden recurve bow, you will need several key materials. These include wood, a bowstring, a wooden board, wood laminate, a bow stave, and a finish.

Below is a table outlining the specific materials and their recommended type for constructing a wooden recurve bow.

Material Recommended Type
Wood Maple, lemon wood, hickory, black locust, or yew
Bowstring Parachute cord or nylon bowstring (or another thick type of string)
Wooden Board 6 feet by 1 foot in size
Wood Laminate N/A
Bow Stave N/A
Finish Wax or oil

While it is possible to purchase a kit that includes all the necessary materials for making a recurve bow, many archery enthusiasts prefer to gather these materials themselves.

For example, large hardware stores such as Home Depot or Lowes typically have the required wood and tools available.

However, it is important to carefully select the right type of wood for your bow. Maple, lemon wood, hickory, black locust, and yew are all recommended for their strength and flexibility.

An essential component of any recurve bow is the bowstring. Commonly used options include parachute cord or nylon bowstring. It is vital to choose a thick enough string that can handle the weight and pressure of your bow.

The wooden board serves as the main body of the recurve bow and should measure 6 feet by 1 foot in size to ensure proper length and shape. Additionally, wood laminate can be used to reinforce the bow and increase its durability.

The bow stave, which is the main piece of wood used for constructing the bow, can be either purchased or crafted from a larger piece of wood using tools such as a hatchet and draw knife. Finally, a finish such as wax or oil can be applied to protect and preserve the wood.

While these materials are essential for constructing a wooden recurve bow, it is important to note that attending archery classes or workshops can greatly enhance both your bow-making skills and shooting abilities.

Where to get those materials?

When considering where to obtain materials for crafting a wooden recurve bow, it is crucial to select sturdy and long-lasting wood that will offer both flexibility and stability. Some reliable sources for acquiring these materials include hardware stores such as Home Depot or Lowes, as well as specialized archery shops.

Among the top options for bow-making wood is maple, renowned for its strength and flexibility. Another popular choice is hickory, known for its ability to withstand tension and compression. Both of these types of wood are readily available at hardware stores.

Additionally, osage orange and bamboo are excellent choices for crafting a recurve bow, though they may be more expensive or difficult to find. Osage orange is considered one of the best woods for bows due to its strength and flexibility, while bamboo is prized for its lightweight nature.

For those seeking specific wood varieties for their arrow shafts, Australian woods like spotted gum and water gum are recommended. Imported woods such as Norway pine and Port Orford cedar are also viable options. However, it should be noted that pine is not recommended for bows due to its softness.

For beginners, purchasing a pre-cut kit from an archery shop or online retailer can be beneficial. This provides all necessary materials in the correct sizes and can help familiarize one with the basics of bow-making before attempting to craft one from scratch.

How To Make A Wooden Recurve Bow-2

Attending archery classes or workshops is also a valuable way to improve skills in both making and shooting with a recurve bow. These classes may also provide access to specialized tools and materials that can aid in the bow-making process.

Step by step guide (in easy 6-7 steps)

Step 1: Choose the Perfect Wood and Measure for the Ideal Bow Length

Select a strong and durable wood, such as maple or hickory, from reliable hardware stores like Home Depot or Lowes.

Measure and mark the length of the bow according to your height and preference. The general rule is for the bow to be slightly longer than your height.

Step 2: Sketch Out the Bow Design on the Wood

Using a pencil, sketch out the design of the bow on the wood. This should include the handle, riser, and limbs.

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Step 3: Carve Out the Bow Shape

Carefully carve out the shape of the bow using a saw or bandsaw, following your sketched design.

Take your time with this step to ensure precision and accuracy.

Step 4: Thin Out the Limbs and Curve Them to Create the Recurve Shape

With the basic shape of the bow ready, use a rasp or file to thin out the limbs, adding more flexibility.

Then, using heat and pressure, curve the limbs to achieve the desired recurve shape. This process requires patience and practice, so take your time to get it right.

Step 5: Attach Brass or Other Material to the Limb Tips

To secure the bowstring in place, attach brass or other material to the tips of the limbs. This will prevent them from splitting or breaking under pressure.

Step 6: Create or Purchase a Bowstring and String Your Bow

You can either create your own bowstring using materials like Dacron or purchase one from an archery store.

Once you have your bowstring, carefully string it onto your bow using proper techniques to avoid damaging it.

Step 7: Add Personal Finishing Touches

Finally, add any personal finishing touches to your bow, such as sanding, painting, or adding a rest.

This step is optional but can enhance the appearance and functionality of your bow.

Is it easier to make compound or recurve bow?

When it comes to building bows as a beginner, the recurve bow is usually the easier option.

Additionally, the materials and tools needed for making a recurve bow are more readily available.

Other Factors to Consider With This Bow Building Complete Guide

When embarking on the journey of building a wooden recurve bow, it’s crucial to avoid certain mistakes that beginners often make. These mistakes can lead to safety hazards, hindered performance, and frustration during the building process. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Carefully choose the right wood: The type of wood you use for your recurve bow is critical, as it must be able to withstand sudden tension and force when shooting. Using a wood that is too soft or brittle can result in the bow breaking or warping.
  • Prioritize safety precautions: Building a recurve bow involves working with sharp tools and tensioned wood, which can be hazardous if safety precautions are not taken. Always wear protective gear such as goggles, overalls, a face mask, and gloves when working on your bow.
  • Consider draw length and weight: Your bow’s draw length and weight greatly impact its performance. Ignoring these factors can result in a bow that is difficult to shoot or lacks power.
  • Use proper tools: Building a recurve bow requires specific tools such as a drawknife, files, clamps, and a tillering stick. Using incorrect or low-quality tools can make the building process more challenging and may result in a poorly made bow.
  • Seek guidance from experts: Just like any skill or craft, seeking advice from experienced professionals can greatly improve your results. Don’t hesitate to reach out to seasoned bow makers for tips and guidance.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure a smoother and more successful experience while crafting your own wooden recurve bow.


In conclusion, the process of crafting a wooden recurve bow is both challenging and rewarding, blending the art of woodworking with the skill of archery. With the right tools and materials, anyone can create their own functional and visually striking bow.

By carefully selecting the wood, using proper tools and safety precautions, and considering factors like draw length and weight, one can successfully craft a well-balanced and powerful recurve bow.

Seeking guidance from experts and avoiding common mistakes can greatly enhance the final result.

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