How To Choose A Recurve Bow?

Are you ready to take your archery game to the next level? Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, choosing the right recurve bow is crucial for achieving precision and triumph in this ancient sport. But with countless options available, it can be daunting to know where to begin.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of selecting a recurve bow step by step.

From understanding your needs and preferences to testing out different bows, we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need. So grab your quiver and let’s delve into the world of recurve bows.

So, how do you choose a recurve bow?

When choosing a recurve bow, you can consider things like:

  • Length: The bow should be at least twice as long as your draw length. For example, if your draw length is 28 inches, you should choose a bow that’s 56 inches or longer. A 70 inch bow is recommended for draw lengths over 29 inches, and a 68 inch bow is recommended for draw lengths over 27 inches.
  • Draw weight: New archers should start with a draw weight under 35 pounds, even if they’re already shooting a compound bow.
  • Height: The overall height of the bow should be roughly your draw length plus 40 inches. Standard setups are usually between 66 and 72 inches, but there is more variety for youth archers.
  • Limb: If you have a 25 inch draw, you should consider a 64 inch bow with short limbs and a 23 inch riser. You can try out a 23 inch riser and short limbs to see if the reduced weight on the bow arm makes shooting more comfortable.

By the end of this read, you’ll have all the knowledge and confidence necessary to select the ideal recurve bow for your archery journey. So let’s dive in.

What Size Recurve Bow Do I Need?

When searching for the ideal recurve bow, size is a crucial aspect to keep in mind. This is because the size of the bow can significantly impact your shooting experience in terms of both comfort and accuracy.

To determine the right size for you, there are various key factors that must be considered.

  • Draw Length: The draw length is the distance an archer has to stretch when aiming. It is vital to select a bow with a draw length that matches your own for optimal accuracy. You can calculate your draw length by measuring your arm span and dividing it by 2.However, it is recommended to try out different bows to find the one that feels most comfortable for you.
  • Height and Arm Span: Another method for determining the appropriate size is by using your height and arm span measurements. This approach can serve as a good starting point for finding the right bow size, but it is important to keep in mind that this may not work for everyone as arm span can vary.
  • Age: Contrary to popular belief, age does not necessarily require a different sized bow. Younger or elderly individuals can follow the same guidelines as others when choosing their recurve bow size.
  • Safety Precautions: It is crucial to adhere to safety precautions when selecting a recurve bow size, especially for beginners. A good rule of thumb is to start with a lighter draw weight and gradually increase as you become more experienced.
  • Personal Preference: Ultimately, the best way to determine the appropriate size for a recurve bow is to try out different sizes and see what feels most comfortable for you. Every individual’s body and shooting style are unique, so what works for someone else may not work for you.

Recurve Bow Size Chart

To accurately determine the best recurve bow size for your body and shooting style, you can utilize a recurve bow size chart. This chart takes into account your draw length, height, and weight to suggest the most suitable bow size for you.

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Using a recurve bow size chart is a simple and accurate method to find the perfect fit for your body and shooting style. Here is a straightforward guide on how to use a recurve bow size chart:

Step 1: Measure Your Draw Length

Your draw length is the distance between your hand holding the bow at full draw and the back of the bow. To measure your draw length, stand with your arms extended out to your sides.

Have someone measure the distance from fingertip to fingertip and then divide that number by 2.5 to get an approximate draw length.

Step 2: Determine Your Height and Weight

Refer to the recurve bow size chart and locate your height and weight measurements.

These figures will help determine the recommended bow size for you.

Step 3: Compare Your Measurements

Once you have measured your draw length, height, and weight, compare them to the recommended measurements on the recurve bow size chart.

The chart will provide a range of recommended bow sizes based on your measurements.

Step 4: Select the Right Size

Based on your measurements and the recommendations on the chart, select the appropriate bow size for you.

Keep in mind that it is better to choose a slightly larger size than a smaller one to avoid discomfort and ensure accuracy while shooting.

Other Considerations:

While a recurve bow size chart can be a valuable tool, it may not be entirely accurate for everyone.

It is important to consider factors such as arm strength, shooting style, and personal preference when selecting a bow size.

If you have any doubts or uncertainties about using a recurve bow size chart, it is best to seek the advice of a professional archery instructor or try out different bow sizes before making a purchase.

Right Handed Or Left Handed?

Determining whether you are right-handed or left-handed is a crucial factor to consider when selecting a recurve bow. This decision can significantly affect your accuracy and performance in archery.

Your dominant hand and eye both play a vital role in the sport, and proper alignment with the bow is essential for precise shots.

By understanding which hand is dominant, you can choose the most suitable bow and accessories to enhance your shooting experience. This ensures that your dominant eye is correctly aligned with the arrow and sight, resulting in more accurate shots and an overall improved performance.

Therefore, it is crucial to determine your dominant hand before choosing a recurve bow to ensure the perfect fit and optimal results.

What Will You Use It For?

When deciding on the purpose for a recurve bow, there are several important considerations to take into account. These include location, laws and regulations, intended use, skill level, budget, physical abilities, and necessary accessories and maintenance.

Location is a key factor that can limit the potential uses for a recurve bow. For instance, living in a residential area may not allow for hunting or target shooting with a recurve bow due to safety concerns.

It is also crucial to thoroughly research and comply with any laws or regulations regarding the use of a recurve bow in your specific location. This ensures that the bow is used legally and safely.

The intended use of the recurve bow should also be clearly defined before making a purchase decision. Whether it is for hunting, target shooting, or recreational purposes, different bows may be better suited for each purpose.

The user’s experience and skill level should also be taken into consideration when selecting a recurve bow. Some bows may be more suitable for beginners, while others may require more experience to handle effectively.

Budget is another important factor to consider as recurve bows can vary greatly in price. It is important to determine a budget before making a purchase decision to ensure affordability and avoid overspending.

In addition, it is important to take into account the user’s physical abilities when selecting a recurve bow. Some bows may require more strength or have a larger draw weight, which may not be suitable for all users.

Lastly, it is essential to consider any necessary accessories and maintenance for the intended use of the recurve bow. This may include arrows, strings, and regular maintenance to keep the bow in optimal condition.

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What Accessories Will You Need?

When selecting a recurve bow, there are a few crucial add-ons that you will require to use your bow with safety and precision. These accessories include the riser, limbs, string, rest, button, sight, and stabilization.

The riser is the central part of the bow that you grasp while shooting. It is typically constructed from aluminum or wood and serves as the base for attaching other accessories such as the limbs and stabilizers. When choosing a riser, it is essential to consider factors such as weight, length, grip, and compatibility with other add-ons.

The limbs are the pliant components of the bow that store and release energy when drawn and shot. They are usually made from fiberglass or carbon and come in various lengths and draw weights. When selecting limbs, it is crucial to match them with your riser to ensure proper fit and compatibility.

The string is what links the two limbs and holds them together. It is commonly made from a robust synthetic material such as Dacron or Fast Flight and must be replaced periodically to ensure safety and performance.

The rest is a small piece attached to the riser that supports the arrow while it is being drawn. It is vital for accurate shooting and can be either a simple plastic rest or a more advanced one with adjustable features.

Another essential accessory for precise shooting is the button, also known as the plunger. It sits on the opposite side of the rest and helps control the arrow’s flex during release.

A sight is an attachment on the riser that aids in aiming at the target. There are several types of sights available, including fixed pin sights and adjustable sights.

Stabilization refers to any added weight or attachments used to balance and steady the bow during shooting. This can include stabilizer rods, counterweights, and dampeners.

In addition to these necessary accessories, there are also optional but recommended add-ons that can enhance your recurve bow experience. These include arrows, bow stringer, nocking points, arm guards, finger tabs, arrow rest, and bow string wax.

How To Choose A Recurve Bow-2

Also Read: How To Make A Compound Bow?


To conclude, the key to improving your archery skills lies in selecting the right recurve bow.

With a plethora of options available, it can be daunting to know where to begin. But fear not, because we’ve got you covered.

In this blog post, we’ve outlined a step-by-step guide for choosing a recurve bow that suits your needs and preferences. From understanding your draw length and dominant hand to testing out different bows, we’ve provided all the necessary tips and tricks.

By considering factors such as intended use and necessary accessories, you can confidently select the perfect recurve bow for your unique body and shooting style.

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