How To Measure Recurve Bow Length?

Are you an aspiring archer or a seasoned pro? Whether you’re just starting out or looking to upgrade your gear, one crucial factor to consider when choosing a recurve bow is its length. The length of your bow can greatly impact your shooting accuracy and overall performance. But how exactly do you measure the length of a recurve bow?

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of measuring recurve bow length in simple and easy-to-follow steps. So grab your measuring tape and let’s get started.

So, how to measure recurve bow length?

To measure the length of a recurve bow, you can:

  • Unstring the bow
  • Lay the bow face down
  • Measure from string groove to string groove, following the curve of the limbs and along the bow’s belly, but not going into the grip
  • Start at the string groove, follow the curvature of the limb along the belly side of the bow, across the riser area, and follow the curvature of the other limb to the other string groove
  • Deduct 3 inches for string length

Whether you’re in the market for a new recurve bow or just curious about your current one, understanding how to measure its length is crucial.

So let’s delve into this vital aspect of archery equipment and learn all there is to know.

The Basics: Unraveling the Recurve Bow Also Read:

The main goal of measuring the length of a recurve bow is to determine its draw length and peak performance, which play a crucial role in achieving accuracy and consistency in archery. It’s essential to measure the length of a recurve bow accurately to choose the right size bow for your body and shooting style.

The standard method for measuring the length of a recurve bow is using the AMO length measurement. This involves tracing the curvature of the limbs on the belly side of the bow, across the riser, and following the curvature of the other limb to the other string groove. To get the actual string length for your recurve bow, subtract three inches from this measurement.

Alternatively, you can also measure the overall size of your recurve bow by identifying and measuring the limb butts and cutting straight across the riser. Another accurate way to measure a recurve bow’s AMO length is by unstringing it and measuring along its curve from one string groove to the other.

Accurately measuring the length of a recurve bow is critical as it directly impacts its performance and your shooting experience. Failing to specify the correct AMO length when purchasing a string can result in poor performance and potential safety hazards.

Mastering How to​ Measure a Recurve Bow Also Read:

When it comes to measuring the length of a recurve bow, there are three key methods that can be utilized for precise results: AMO length, overall size, and unstringing.

Each approach offers unique advantages and should be chosen based on the specific needs and preferences of the archer.

AMO Length

The most commonly used measurement for recurve bows is the AMO length, which stands for Archery Manufacturers Organization. This method involves tracing along the curvature of the limb on the belly side of the bow, across the riser area, and to the other string groove.

However, it’s important to note that this measurement includes an additional three inches to the actual string length. To obtain the exact string length, simply deduct three inches from the measured AMO length.

Overall Size

Another effective method for measuring a recurve bow’s length is to identify the limb butts and use a flexible measuring tape to follow along one limb’s edge until reaching the other limb butt.

This measurement provides an overview of the bow’s size and can help determine if it’s suitable for your body size and draw length.


Unstringing your bow is also a reliable way to measure its AMO length accurately. To do this safely, stand with your feet evenly on either side of the bow and gently pull one limb towards you while pushing away with your leg.

Also Related:  How To Use A Recurve Bow?

This technique is particularly useful when purchasing a new string for your recurve bow as it allows you to specify the precise AMO length and type of bow for a perfect fit.

The Importance‌ of⁣ String Length Also Read:

The performance of a recurve bow can be greatly affected by the length of its bowstring. If the string is either too long or too short, it can cause complications with the brace height – the distance between the bowstring and the deepest part of the grip. This can impact the accuracy, consistency, speed, and power of shots.

When deciding on an ideal string length for maximum accuracy, it’s crucial to take into consideration the specific design of the bow and the archer’s preferences. Generally, a range of 20-60 twists per unit length is deemed acceptable for optimal performance.

To better understand how string length influences performance, let’s delve into some key factors:

  • Brace Height: As previously mentioned, brace height is vital in achieving accuracy and consistency. A longer string will result in a higher brace height, causing the arrow to leave at a steeper angle – potentially decreasing its speed and power. Conversely, a shorter string will lower the brace height and cause the arrow to depart at a flatter angle, ultimately leading to less accuracy.
  • Strand Count: The number of strands in a bowstring can also impact its performance. Too few strands can cause noise and vibration, while too many strands can reduce speed or even cause tangling when unstrung.
  • Serving Materials: The choice of serving material for end-loops and center servings can also affect performance. High-quality serving materials such as Angel Majesty have been proven to provide better abrasion resistance and smoother releases, resulting in improved accuracy.
  • Nock Fit: Changes in strand count can also affect nock fit – an essential factor in achieving optimal performance. Consistent nock fit is crucial for consistently accurate shots.

The Crucial Aspect of Bow Weight Also Read:

The often overlooked yet crucial aspect of bow weight plays a significant role in the accuracy and performance of a recurve bow. Determining the ideal weight for a recurve bow depends on several factors, including the archer’s strength, shooting style, and intended use.

Factors Influencing Bow Weight:

How To Measure Recurve Bow Length-2

  • Archer’s Strength: An archer’s strength is a critical factor in determining the perfect bow weight. A bow that is too heavy can result in muscle fatigue and affect accuracy, while a bow that is too light may not provide enough power for an effective shot.
  • Shooting Style: Different shooting styles require different bow weights. For instance, traditional archers who shoot instinctively may prefer a lighter bow, while Olympic-style archers who use sights and release aids may opt for a heavier bow for added stability.
  • Intended Use: The intended use of the bow also plays a role in determining its ideal weight. For hunting, a heavier bow may be preferred for more powerful shots, while a lighter bow may be suitable for target shooting or recreational use.

Impact of Bow Weight on Accuracy and Performance:

The weight of a recurve bow affects its accuracy and performance in various ways:

  • Stability: A heavier bow provides more stability and reduces hand shock, allowing the archer to hold the bow steady for longer periods and resulting in more precise shots.
  • Power: The weight of the bow also impacts the power behind each shot. A heavier bow can generate more force and deliver arrows with increased speed and impact.
  • Recoil: A lighter bow may have more recoil upon release, which can affect accuracy and consistency. In contrast, a heavier bow absorbs more energy upon release, resulting in less recoil and smoother shots.


Bow Weight Effect on Accuracy Effect on Performance
Too Light Less stable, potential for muscle fatigue Less powerful shots, more recoil
Ideal Weight Provides stability and accuracy Delivers powerful shots with less recoil
Too Heavy Potential for muscle fatigue, difficult to hold steady Very powerful shots with minimal recoil


In conclusion, accurately measuring the length of a recurve bow is crucial for archers of all levels.

It directly affects the performance and precision of your shots, making it a vital aspect to consider. Throughout this blog post, we have discussed the importance of measuring recurve bow length and provided a step-by-step guide on how to do so using various methods.

Also Related:  How To Buy A Bow?

Keep in mind that finding the perfect bow length may require some trial and error, but with our expert tips and advice, you’ll be well on your way to achieving optimal results in archery.

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