How To Hunt Turkey With A Bow?

Turkey hunting is a unique and thrilling experience that requires more than just the right equipment. It demands patience, skill, and a sharp eye for detail. But when it comes to bow hunting for turkeys, the stakes are even higher.

As one of the most challenging and rewarding forms of hunting, it requires a specialized set of techniques and strategies.

In this blog post, we will dive into the world of bow hunting for turkey and explore everything you need to know to have a successful hunt. From understanding the behavior of these elusive birds to choosing the perfect equipment, we’ve got you covered.

So, put on your camo gear and get ready to chase those gobblers.

In this guide, get ready to learn:

  • The thrill and challenge of bow hunting for turkeys
  • The importance of scouting and studying turkey behavior
  • Tips for selecting the right equipment, including bows, arrows, and broadheads
  • Strategies for setting up your blind or tree stand
  • Techniques for luring in turkeys using various calls
  • Safety precautions to keep in mind while bow hunting for turkey

Are you ready to elevate your hunting game?

Let’s begin.

How to Hunt Turkey with A Bow

How To Hunt Turkey With A Bow-2

Here are some tips on how to use a bow to catch turkeys:

Don’t shoot a bird that is walking.

Turkeys don’t stay still when they’re eating or moving around. Wait until the turkey is still and clear before drawing your bow. The turkey’s head should be behind a tree or bush.

Put down a ground blind.

Turkeys can see very well and will run away as soon as they sense movement. A ground blind can hide parts of an arrow shot that move.

With the hens set up 5 to 8 yards away and Jake’s fake 9 to 10 yards away, you can get into position.

Put down a duller broadhead.

If your shot doesn’t go all the way through a turkey, a duller broadhead can do more damage.

To shoot, use a quarter circle.

From the base of the bird’s beard, draw a line across the picture and a line straight up from the leg on the side. If you put an arrow where these two lines meet, it should go straight into the heart and lungs.

Do a spine shot.

When the turkey turns its back to you, shoot just above where the tail feathers meet the back. It will go from the spine to the heart.

Use methods for sound hunting

Do not move or sit still for a long time. Don’t call too often; less is usually better.

Pick clothes that are quiet.

It’s important to wear quiet clothes because you’ll be moving when you draw your bow.

Finding Land

When searching for the ideal land to hunt turkeys with a bow, there are several crucial factors to keep in mind. These include accessibility and safety, habitat and vegetation, water sources, scouting opportunities, hunting pressure, legal considerations, and the turkey population.

  • Easy Access and Safety: The land should be easily accessible, with clear paths and trails that are not too steep or treacherous, making it easier to carry your equipment, such as a bow and arrows, safely. Additionally, ensure that the land is safe for hunting, with no potential hazards that may pose a danger.
  • Habitat and Vegetation: Turkeys prefer specific types of habitat for roosting and feeding purposes. Look for areas with dense hardwood forests or mixed pine and hardwood forests. Avoid areas with excessive brush or dense undergrowth that may make it harder to spot turkeys.
  • Water Sources: Access to water is essential for turkeys to drink and bathe, so finding land near a water source such as a river, stream, or pond is crucial.
  • Scouting Opportunities: Look for elevated positions or clearings that provide a good vantage point for scouting the area before your hunt. This will help you understand the turkeys’ behavior and increase your chances of a successful hunt.
  • Hunting Pressure: Consider the hunting pressure in the area you are considering, as turkeys can become wary and challenging to hunt if there is too much activity in the area.
  • Legal Considerations: Before hunting on any land, it is essential to check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits or licenses.
  • Turkey Population: Choose land with a healthy and sustainable turkey population for a better chance of a successful hunt. This will also ensure that you are not negatively impacting the population through your hunting activities.
Also Related:  How Should You Hold The Bow When Shooting?

Remember to prioritize safety and legal regulations when searching for suitable land for turkey hunting with a bow.


Scouting plays a crucial role in enhancing your success rate when hunting turkey with a bow. By thoroughly scouting the area beforehand, you can gain valuable insights into the turkeys’ behavior and movements, which will help you strategize and plan your hunt effectively. Moreover, scouting can aid in identifying potential hunting spots and ensuring that you are well-prepared for your hunt.

One of the key benefits of scouting is its ability to provide an understanding of the property you will be hunting on. By utilizing maps and visiting the area beforehand, you can familiarize yourself with the terrain, potential obstacles, and possible locations where turkeys may be present. This will give you a better understanding of where to set up your blind or stand for an optimal shot.

Additionally, scouting helps prevent scaring away the birds. By staying on the edges of the property and using binoculars to observe their movements, you can avoid startling the turkeys and causing them to relocate. This is especially crucial when bow hunting, as turkeys have exceptional eyesight and can quickly detect any movement or disturbance.

Another essential aspect of scouting is timing. It is vital to scout at the same time that you will be hunting to get a better idea of where the birds will be during your hunt. This can help you determine their routine and behavior patterns, allowing you to position yourself in a spot where they are likely to appear.

Scouting can also assist in locating roosting areas and feeding spots. During daytime hours, look for roosting trees where turkeys may spend the night. In the early morning or late afternoon, scout for feeding areas where turkeys may return multiple times throughout the week. This information can be valuable when planning your hunt and selecting a suitable location to set up.

Lastly, it is essential to continue scouting up until your hunt. Turkeys are constantly on the move, so it is crucial to ensure that they are still in the same location as when you first scouted. This will help you stay updated on their movements and make any necessary adjustments to your hunting plan.


When preparing for a successful turkey hunt with a bow, it is crucial to have the right gear. Let’s take a closer look at each of these essential pieces of equipment and how they contribute to a successful hunt.


The bow is the primary weapon used for hunting turkeys with a bow. As mentioned earlier, there are two main types of bows – compound and recurve. It is important to choose a bow that you are comfortable with and can handle accurately.

A well-tuned and properly set-up bow can make all the difference in your hunting success.


Along with the bow, arrows are also a crucial piece of equipment for turkey hunting. It is essential to use arrows specifically designed for hunting rather than target practice. Hunting arrows are typically made of carbon or aluminum and have broadheads attached to them.

The broadheads come in different shapes and sizes, but for turkey hunting, fixed-blade and mechanical broadheads are commonly used.

Broadhead Wrench:

A broadhead wrench is a small but essential tool for turkey hunting with a bow. It ensures that your broadheads are securely attached to your arrows and will not come loose during your hunt.

Many hunters overlook this piece of equipment, but it can save you from potential issues while out in the field.

Camouflage Clothing:

To outsmart the keen eyesight of turkeys, investing in high-quality camouflage clothing that blends in with the natural surroundings is crucial. This will help you stay hidden while you wait for the perfect shot.

Turkey Calls:

Turkey calls are tools that mimic the sounds that turkeys make in order to draw them closer to you. There are various types of turkey calls, and it is recommended to have multiple with you while hunting.

Turkeys can be unpredictable, and having different types of calls can increase your chances of success.


Decoys are lifelike replicas of turkeys used to attract birds towards a specific area. They come in various shapes and sizes, but for turkey hunting, the most common decoy is a hen decoy.

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Placing a hen decoy in a visible spot can help lure in male turkeys looking for a mate.


Binoculars are an essential piece of equipment for any type of hunting, including turkey hunting with a bow.


How To Hunt Turkey With A Bow-3

Tactics are vital for a triumphant turkey hunt with a bow. Here are some effective tactics that can boost your chances of a successful hunt:

  • Conceal Yourself: When pursuing turkeys with a bow, it’s crucial to hide your movements and draw your bow without startling the birds. Using a blind provides cover and minimizes your movements, making it an essential tactic.
  • Choose Your Broadheads Wisely: The type of broadhead you use has a significant impact on your shot placement and success rate. For hunting turkeys, opt for broadheads specifically designed for this game, such as those with large cutting diameters and sharp blades.
  • Lower Your Bow’s Poundage: Drawing back a bow repeatedly can be fatiguing and noisy, potentially alerting the turkeys and ruining your shot. To avoid this, consider reducing the poundage of your bow slightly to minimize fatigue and noise.
  • Keep the Turkeys Nearby: It’s crucial to keep the turkeys close to ensure an ethical and clean shot. This means being patient and waiting for them to come within range instead of chasing them down.
  • Maintain Proper Form: Proper form is essential for accuracy when hunting with a bow. Make sure to maintain proper posture, anchor points, and follow-through to increase your chances of hitting your target.
  • Practice with Your Equipment: Practicing with your equipment is crucial for any type of hunting, including turkey hunting with a bow. Spend time at the range before heading out to the field, and aim small to sharpen your skills.

By following these tactics and having the right gear, you can boost your odds of a successful turkey hunt with a bow.


In summary, bow hunting for turkeys is an exhilarating and challenging experience that requires skill, patience, and attention to detail. It demands specialized techniques and strategies to be successful.

When searching for suitable land to hunt turkeys with a bow, several factors must be considered. These include accessibility and safety, habitat and vegetation, water sources, scouting opportunities, hunting pressure, legal considerations, and the turkey population.

Prioritizing safety while adhering to regulations during scouting can increase your chances of success.

Effective tactics, such as using a blind for cover and minimizing movements while drawing your bow, can help get you closer to the turkeys. Selecting broad-heads with large cutting diameters and sharp blades can also improve shot placement.

It is essential to practice with your equipment beforehand to ensure accuracy in the field.

With this comprehensive guide on bow hunting for turkeys in mind, from understanding their behavior to selecting the perfect gear and using effective tactics, you are now equipped to elevate your hunting game.

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